January 28, 2014

Chainat Bird Park, Thailand- A Photo Essay...!!

Chainat Bird park in Chainat province of Thailand is one of the largest bird sanctuaries in Asia. Numerous exquisite species of birds in various feather colours and beak sizes makes this bird park a much sought after tourist destination. Situated at a distance of almost 200 Kms from Bangkok, the park with natural pools, a waterfall and garden areas gives the birds an environment almost similar to that of a natural one. The park has a giant bird cage which helps all the birds to live freely together in a natural setting. This happens to be the biggest attraction of the bird park. Unfortunately, the cage was under renovation when I visited. However, Chainat bird park also has birds that are caged in smaller ones along with a few species like flamingos, peacocks and storks which happily laze around the park. There is a main big pond where visitors are allowed to feed the fishes in it. The other attractions include an interesting egg museum and an exhaustive aquarium which boasts of some exotic and gigantic fishes.

P.S.- I was riding across northern Thailand with Ride Thailand on an invite from Tourism Authority of Thailand.


  1. Visiting your blog for 1st tym n must say this is awesome! Love d birdie pics!just wow!

  2. Interesting place... the birds look healthy not common in captivity...

    1. Both the place and the birds have been quite well kept.

  3. Beautiful park with so many colorful birds.

  4. I love visiting these places and guess what I too have my own capture of the peacock wooing the peahen :)

  5. Fantastic pictures...I prefer bird watching in the open but its always lovely to spot birds anywhere anytime.

    1. Thanks, Lakshmi. Yeah, they are best seen perched on some branch in the wild.


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